Another Mundane Thing To Celebrate: Saorsa Selatan

Shofia Utami
3 min readSep 16, 2021

There are days that where balancing life between work, family, study, and personal life so overwhelming. So I want to create this series called “Another Mundane Thing To Celebrate”. This is a series where I write about mundane things — that people rarely celebrate but it what keep most people, including me, alive. This is also a way to stay sane, being present and enjoying the little things, in a slower manner in which I am struggling with.

Saorsa, which uniquely an Old Irish word for salvation, liberation, freedom, and redemption. I visit this place quite often lately. I work as a creative in a digital agency, it is my first job and it hasn’t been easy. A lot to learn and unlearn. It’s a fast paced world. For an overthinker, perfectionist, and anxious minded person like me, there are times when it’s too much. People’s expectations, my judgement of people’s expectations, my own expectations, and my judgement of my own expectations. So the words has been true that this place has been a salvation, liberation, and redemption.

I won’t complain a lot about work or anything else here, let’s just summarize that lately I went through a lot of things and they have been a lot to manage.

So, I got off work earlier. Here’s a list of mundane thing I celebrated there:

  • Spent a solid three hours, scribbling on my journal, this is my first celebration, I finally got the time to journal my thoughts.
  • I read, finished a book I currently reading: Jonah Berger-Contagious.
  • Had a lovely warm cafe latte too, their coffee selections are bliss. They serve their hot beverages in a cute mug.
  • Cats. They’re pet friendly and they have a lot cats, a momma cat just gave birth to four cute kittens. The cuteness is impeccable.
  • Friendly barista and crew.
  • I love their green tiles.
  • Saorsa’s warm and quiet ambience.
  • Their playlist!!!! (I kinda want to ask which barista’s playlist is this because they play Paramore, Lorde, Birdy, and Seafret! I mean I never been in any place that play Seafret?)

Hearing musics I love at the unexpected places it’s a feeling I can’t quite describe, “I used to love this song”, “wow, I know all the word to this song”, “This is depressing. But I love this song”, “I can’t believe they love the same music as I do??”, and so many mixed feeling about it.

  • The cold breeze here, they don’t use AC but the air is always refreshing in here.
  • The sound of the water from their fish pond
  • It’s only 9 minutes away from home

Another mundane thing to celebrate has helped me through moments where I feel like I lost my pace, lost my grounding. And maybe you can try these too. Like listing every mundane thing that you celebrate that day. I am not trying to sound like I’m all positive about all the things but sometimes it’s the little — mundane thing that keeps you going.

